Psychedelic Facilitation

Psychedelic Facilitation

Our psychedelic treatments are lead by licensed therapists engaging in a Harm Reduction capacity; trained in the compassionate support of psychoactive, organic plant medicines.


Psychedelic Facilitation is a type of practice wherein clients decide to engage with a legalized psychedelic substance for personal use as part of a supported, compassionate, therapeutic process with an experienced Coach.


Our compassionate, trained Facilitators are able to offer  legal Psychedelic Facilitation and/or Harm Reduction services, in order to  engage in the psychedelic experience. They take the time to get to know each Member via ongoing personal Coaching sessions or Consultation sessions to start over a Preparation Phase of 2-3 months. The Facilitator then schedules a highly-personalized Facilitation session in collaboration with each Member. Our community of psychedelic-trained Facilitators believe deeply in the importance of mindset, setting (environment) and dosage in order to enable safe treatments for all participants.

First timer? We are here to answer any and all questions and concerns. Connect with a member of the Catbird care team today through our Contact form.

Additional information

  • Psychedelic Facilitation ranges from 2-8 hours
  • Cost surcharge range is typically $799-1499 (not included in monthly membership; payment plans available)
  • 3 Preparation Coaching sessions minimum required prior to Facilitation (spread over 3mo)
  • 3 Training Sessions required before Facilitation via an online platform at times convenient for you
  • 3 Integration Coaching sessions after each Facilitation (spread over 3mo)
  • Note that we require a 3mo minimum "abstinence" period between Facilitations
  • Note that we may partner with 3rd party Facilitators in our trusted Partner Network to offer Facilitation
  • Note that the specific psychedelic medicine/s utilized are at the sole discretion/provided by the client
  • Note that there are legal resources and education available for procurement of both legal and decriminalized psychedelic medicines


Catbird does not provide, condone, or support the use of illegal substances. Our therapy services offer a safe, confidential space for clients to prepare for and process non-ordinary states of their own preferences in order to seek personal transformation. Currently in the US, five states have officially decriminalized psychoactive plants and fungi, or entheogens, including the Northern California cities of San Francisco, Oakland, and Santa Cruz. This includes psilocybin, iboga, ayahuasca, mescaline cacti and more.


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