An Integration Coach's 5 Steps to Kickstarting Your Healing Journey
March 28, 2024
The phrase "healing journey" can mean many things, but often what comes to mind is the idea that we're returning to Wholeness; to achieving and maintaining truly holistic health and wellbeing. There is no silver bullet for healing; there is only intentional, incremental dedication over time. But the fact that most of us have been conditioned to seek external "fast health" solutions such as medications, surgical procedures and health fads—versus the internal "slow health" approach of mindfulness, prevention and lifestyle change—results in a big question mark as to how to even START healing ourselves.
As an integration coach, yoga teacher, thai massage therapist and earth medicine healer, I wanted to impart some of the wisdom I've collected over the years; witnessing my own transformation as well as my clients. The steps below are by no means "one size fits all", and I encourage you to make your healing journey your own. These are simply common themes that have surfaced in my work that have truly helped my community to catalyze lasting transformation and change.
Consider these steps as building blocks that you can return to whenever needed:
1) Start with Self-Reflection
Begin your healing journey by taking a realistic look at how you relate to your life, thoughts, emotions, and patterns. This is a crucial step towards cultivation of self-awareness and inner-trust. It also provides a realistic framework for shifts needed to move forward.
2) Implement Soma Check-ins
The word “soma” translates to “the body” in Greek; however, the Ancient Greeks saw the mind and the body as one entity, inseparable from one another. Most of us live very disconnected from our bodies, but our nervous systems contain unique inner wisdom that must be tapped into and befriended. This allows allow us to move more fluidly and build self-trust. Begin this journey with soma check-ins. Take a mindful moment to fill in this sentence in your journal: “In my body, I notice (sensation), and I am experiencing (emotion)”. Allow the simplicity of this exercise to work for you every day.
3) Get a Vision of the Future
What would you like to experience differently in your life? It is very common for people to know what they don’t want to experience, rather than what they do want to experience. For example, when asked what someone desires in a relationship, it is common for people to say “I want to stop feeling unheard and unseen. I don’t want to feel so much tension in communication” Instead of “I desire a relationship where I feel heard and loved. We communicate openly with ease”. Take a moment to feel how different it feels just to read those two sentences! So, ask yourself: “what is it that I really desire?” Is it true love and comfortability in a relationship? More joy in life? Peace with trauma and an integrated self? State whatever it is you desire in the positive. Avoid using negative words/statements like no, not, I don’t want, etc.
4) Cultivate a Supportive Community
We are biologically meant to exist within tribe, and as a result, our personas are easily influenced by those around us. Surround yourself with others who share similar values and goals. Connecting with others on this journey can provide encouragement, insights, and a sense of belonging. It can also provide evidence that whatever it is you are seeking is more than possible. This may mean cutting ties (if only temporarily) with toxic, stressful personalities or relationships.
5) Seek Mentorship
Approach your journey with an attitude of continual learning and adaptation. Lasting change is challenging as it calls upon us to reassess our connections with ourselves, others, and past circumstances. Our subconscious clings to familiarity, and brings us to the same place we started despite our initial leaps forward. True healing demands radical self-awareness, a nurturing presence, consistent exercises, and accountability from someone who understands our unique patterns.
The guidance from a consistent Coach, Therapist, Guru, Elder or similar is essential to unravel the complexities of the Self, as confronting triggers and blind resistance are guaranteed. Mentorship that comes from someone who has already navigated and surpassed similar challenges in their own journey is particularly helpful. Successful people and personal development experts unanimously agree that this step is absolutely essential for growth and sustainable change.
Author Jetta Blaine a trauma-informed mind-body practitioner, yoga instructor, and medicine woman. She loves to lead her clients from stagnancy into vibrant liberation and conscious creation. Connect with Jetta on Instagram @moonflowermeditations or on either of her websites and